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Marjorie Tarockoff receives Golden Apple Award

Marjorie Tarockoff receives Golden Apple Award
Marjorie Tarockoff Headshot

Walled Lake Central resource room paraeducator, Marjorie Tarockoff, received a Golden Apple Award at the May 23, 2024 Board of Education meeting.

Tarockoff’s nominator preferred to remain anonymous, but said she assumes responsibility for those around her and is an educator who goes above and beyond every day.

“Even though Marjorie's days are spent with one student who has a physical impairment, she embodies care and concern for every young person in her presence,” wrote the nominator. “She acts though every student in the classroom is one of her own.”

“Marjorie is motivated by the desire to make sure that her student has a positive and meaningful educational experience every day,” continued the nominator. “When her student is absent because of illness, Marjorie seeks to creative positive learning experiences for students that she barely knows.”