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Leah Nelson receives Golden Apple Award

Leah Nelson receives Golden Apple Award
Leah Nelson Headshot

Wixom Elementary food service server, Leah Nelson, received a Golden Apple Award at the June 6, 2024 Board of Education meeting.

Nelson was nominated by Wixom Elementary third grade teacher, Cassey Marshall, because she radiates joy and makes children feel that they have one more trusted adult in their lives.

“Leah is an incredible representation of the happiness I want my own child to be welcomed by each day,” said Marshall. “She creates natural connections with every child, every day.”

Nelson is an excellent model of someone who is passionate about the work they do and inspires others to find that passion on the days that it might not come so easily.

“Leah has created an environment in the cafeteria that makes it feel like home,” added Marshall. “She brings our students in on the lunch serving process by having specific jobs that help them contribute to their school community. She makes working FUN!”