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Walled Lake Western Logo

Welcome to the Walled Lake Western PTSA!

The mission of the Walled Lake Western High School PTSA is to enhance the academic excellence of our school by supporting our students, families and staff members. We want to help students by providing opportunities that enhance social and academic growth. In addition, we recognize and respect the diversity of our school population and want to promote Walled Lake Western High School as an educational center of our community. The PTSA envisions sponsoring programs and initiatives to bring together the diverse aspects of our school community.

In support of this mission, our PTSA provides scholarships and supports many programs at Walled Lake Western. We will have a regular column in the Western Front this year to keep you informed of the activities of the PTSA during this school year.

Join our PTSA

Enrolling is easy! Please visit the Walled Lake Western PTSA Member Hub to sign up online.

Individual memberships cost $10 for parents, guardians or Western students.

PTSA Membership Drive

Join now for a chance to win one of the following prizes: WLW parking pass, WLW Athletic season pass, Apple airpods, Warrior Den 1 item gift, Amazon gift card, homecoming ticket, special reserved parking spot.

  • $20 - Membership + 2 raffle tickets
  • $40 - Membership + 4 raffle tickets
  • $50 - Membership + 8 raffle tickets

*Drawing will be held at the end of September.


Meetings start at 6:30 p.m. and are held in the Walled Lake Western Learning Commons.

2024-25 Meeting Dates

  • Monday, September 9
    • 5:30 p.m. - Prior to Curriculum Night
  • Monday, October 14
  • Monday, November 11
  • *No December Meeting*
  • Thursday, January 15 (date change)
  • Monday, February 10
  • Monday, March 10
  • Monday, April 14
  • Monday, May 19

Walled Lake Western PTSA Executive Board

President: Sarah Piggott | Email

Vice President: Missy Brudzynsky | Email

Treasurer: Sarah Reese | Email

Secretary: Jenny Jones | Email

Membership Chairperson: Nora Ashoo | Email

Reflections Chair: Tharmini Rahulan | Email

Teacher Representative: TBD