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Pay To Participate

Walled Lake Consolidated Schools, along with most school districts in Michigan, have made significant cost reductions as a result of state funding reductions and declining enrollment. At the same time, operational costs including utilities and insurance continue to rise at a rate much faster than incoming revenue. The district implemented athletic participation fees in an effort to limit athletic program reductions. 

Current school year fees

  • $255 per high school sport
  • $120 per middle school sport
  • Students participating in self-funded sports (ice hockey, in-line hockey, equestrian, bowling, figure skating, water polo and lacrosse) are exempt from the fee.  

Family Caps

  • $510 for high school sports  

  • $240 for middle school sports

The maximum amount a family would pay per year, including families with middle school and high school athletes, is $510.

Middle School Example
  • 1 middle schooler playing 1 sport. Total Cost = $120
  • 1 middle schooler playing 2+ sports. Total Cost = $240
  • 2 middle schoolers playing 2 sports each (who are siblings). Total Cost = $240
High School Example
  • 1 high schooler playing 1 sport. Total Cost = $255

  • 1 high schooler playing 2+ sports. Total Cost = $510
Combination Example (MS & HS)
  • 2 high schoolers playing 2+ sports each (who are siblings). Total Cost = $510
  • 1 middle schooler playing 1 sport, 1 high schooler playing 1 sport (who are siblings). Total Cost = $375
  • 1 middle schooler playing 2 sports, 1 high schooler playing 2 sports (who are siblings). Total Cost = $510

Pay to Participate Contract

The Pay to Participate contract is required to be signed by both the student athlete and the parent/guardian and returned with the Pay to Participate fee at school registration or prior to the student-athlete's first competition. If the athletic fee is not paid in full by the first competition, the athlete will not be allowed to practice and/or participate in athletic competitions until it is paid. For your convenience, payment may be made online through Skyward Family Access or by check payable to Walled Lake Consolidated Schools. 

Students who are participating in club sports (ice hockey, boys in-line hockey, equestrian, bowling, figure skating, water polo and lacrosse) are exempt from the fee, as these programs are fully self-funded. 

Pay to Participate Financial Assistance Application

During these difficult economic times, some families may need financial assistance; therefore the district has established a scholarship fund. Pay to Participate financial assistance will not exceed 50% of the fees listed. This application is to be returned to the athletic department.

Completed applications, along with copies of the required documents, must returned to the athletic department by one of the methods listed below. You will be contacted by phone or email as to the status of your application. Applications may be emailed to Brian Swinehart or mailed to:

Walled Lake Consolidated Schools
Pay to Participate - Athletic Dept.
850 Ladd Road, Bldg. D 
Walled Lake, MI 48390 

Should you need further assistance or have any questions, please feel free to contact the athletic department at (248) 956-2073.