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The Walled Lake Consolidated Schools’ curriculum provides students with learning experiences based on a rigorous foundation of skills, knowledge and understanding in all areas of language arts (reading, writing, speaking, listening and literature), mathematics, social studies, science, health, physical education, art, vocal and instrumental music, technology, family life education, career, business and technical education and world language instruction.

The district’s mission statement promises all students the opportunity to learn to their maximum potential and to graduate as “...a caring, knowledgeable, responsible citizen” as a result of a sound K-12 educational program based on well-defined, highly articulated benchmarks and rigorous academic standards.

At Walled Lake Western, we will motivate all students to achieve academic excellence and to reach their full potential, academically, socially, physically and artistically. We develop citizens with strong interpersonal, technical and communication skills to contribute in a diverse global society.

Program of Studies